Competitive Tenders - Arriva Italia - Nightly
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Competitive Tenders

For registration in our Register of Suppliers you can consult the website

Qualification system for companies that produce buses 2017-2020

Expires on 18.12.2019

Published 13.01.2017

Qualification system for companies that manufacture or market buses, for the supply of buses to the companies of the Arriva Italia group.
Qualification system for insurance coverage services

Expires on 20.09.2019

Published 17.10.2016

Qualification system pursuant to art. 134 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 for the assignment of insurance services.
Qualification system for diesel fuel supply 2018-21

Expires on 04.04.2018

Published 05.02.2018

A qualification system for companies supplying diesel fuel for transport.