FAQ - Arriva Italia - Nightly
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Consult our FAQ to receive answers for your most frequently asked questions.

Find the contacts of the companies of the Arriva Group in the “Contacts” menu or footer.

1. How to search for a path / timetable

To search for a path / timetable / you can use the travel planner, entering the starting point, destination and travel time.

2. How to stay informed also on Social

To follow the Arriva Italia Group companies also on social networks, click the Facebook or Twitter icon at the top right of your favorite Network and discover Arriva in the world of Social! Become a Fan or Follower!

4. How to consult the press area

Click on the “Press Area” item on the main menu to read the latest press releases.

5. Where to find the privacy policy

The information on privacy can be viewed and downloaded in the “Policy” section of the footer. You can always search by entering a query into the search hole.

6. How to make a report / complaint / suggestion

Fill in the form and send us your complaints and suggestions

7. How to send the Curriculum Vitae to the company concerned

To send an application, enter the “Work with us” page under the heading and choose the application to which you want to send the CV by selecting the link.

8. Where to find the documents / timetables / forms to be printed

Find all the documents in the document section in the “Assistance” sub-menu

9. Procedure to be followed for Lost Items

Fill in the form and contact us


1. How to search

In the travel planner on the homepage, fill in the fields and click “Search”.

2. How to reverse From – To

In the timetable search box (point 1), click the double reverse arrows.

3. Is the time entry optional?

The time and date are optional; if the portal is not entered, default, takes the time closest to the one in which the query was made and the current date.

1. Where to find information on the Arriva Italia Group

To obtain information on the Arriva Group, click on the “About us” item in the main menu.

2. How to access the “Tenders” section

To access the page, click on the “Tenders” item on the main menu.

3. How to contact the Arriva Italia Holding

To find out how to contact Arriva Italia srl, click on the “Contacts” item in the main menu

1. How to purchase tickets online

You can buy online through our app Arriva MyPay